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Maxime Dieudonnne

Maxime Dieudonnne

Chief Executive Officer @ SafeBoda


Maxime has been working and living in East Africa for more than 5 years. He is the co-founder and co-CEO of SafeBoda. Before starting SafeBoda, he worked in Operations with One Acre Fund, a leading social enterprise. Max holds a Master in Economy and a Master in Finance, he co-founded the Fair Street project in South America and spent 3 years working in Mergers and Acquisitions with Deloitte in Brussels

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BS1- 03 Topic – The Private Sector and their contribution to Innovation and Economic Growth in Uganda

Chair- Tony Otoa, Stanbic Incubator This panel will explore the role of the private sector and in particular the gig economy, e-commerce sector, banking & fintech in growing economy, promoting innovation, creating jobs and influencing policy. The panel will also explore challenges faced by the private sector